Advanced Info for Power Users

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Hints for Power Users:

  • Phrase search

    When you want to search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase with double-quotes. Phrases and individual words can be combined in the same search. Thus:

    • "red truck stop" will find records containing this exact phrase.
    • "red truck" stop will find any records with the phrase red truck and the word stop in them.

    Phrase search can be used either in simple search or advanced search modes. But in an advanced search, boolean operators (AND and OR) are ignored inside double-quoted phrases.

  • Limiting searches with AND and OR

    You may limit your searches by combining AND and OR with the pre-defined field codes listed above. The examples listed below can be modified to reflect different fields and variables. Try the following examples to understand how this powerful feature works.

    First: Select advanced search from the Search Menu


    • Display all titles within 2 audience levels:

      ZAUD|H| and ZAUD|P| ...will display all titles in the highschool audience level |H| and in the primary audience level |P|

    • Display all titles within 2 audience levels that contain a certain word:

      ZAUD|H| and ZAUD|P| and CAT* ...will display all titles in the highschool audience level |H| and in the primary audience level |P| which have a word or words starting with the letters 'cat'


    • Display all titles in 1 of 2 audience levels:

      (ZAUD|H| or ZAUD|P|) ...will display all titles in the highschool audience level |H| or in the primary audience level |P|

    • Display all titles in 1 of 2 audience levels that contain a certain word:

      (ZAUD|H| or ZAUD|P|) and CAT* ...will display all titles in the highschool audience level |H| or in the primary audience level |P| which have a word or words starting with the letters 'cat'

  • Search using database fields

    • To list all titles with codes beginning with 10, type ZFCODE|10* in the search terms entry box.
    • When using a wildcard search (see example above), leave off the trailing vertical bar.
    • Other fields that may be used directly in the search terms entry box are as follows (see examples next in Limiting Searches ):
      • Abbreviations to use in the following searches are found at the right hand side of the pull-down menu which corresponds with the category you are searching on.
        • ZADD|abbrev| will search for date title added
          (Valid: 2Y, 1Y, 180D, 90D, 30D)
        • ZAUD|abbrev| will search for audience level
        • ZDPP|abbrev| will search for distributor, producer, and publisher.
          • Abbreviations which can be used to search on distributor are displayed in parentheses at the end of the distributor's full name in the expanded title display.
        • ZFALTERNB|code| will search for an alternate title code
        • ZFCODE|code| will search for a title number
        • ZFMT|abbrev| will search for format/medium
        • ZLNG|abbrev| will search for language
        • ZOFF|abbrev| will search for office
        • ZSND|abbrev| will search for sound
        • ZSPN|abbrev| will search for sponsor [i.e. COLLECTION]
        • ZYR|year| will search for year produced/copyrighted
        • ZMDG|###| will search using a specific mediagraphy number
          • Mediagraphy numbers are displayed in the URL when viewing a mediagraphy (i.e. md=###).
      • Searches typically used only by media library staff due to access to codes:
        • ZKCODE|code| will search for an authority term number (e.g. subject code)

  • Search for titles intersecting mediagraphies

    If you would like to generate a mediagraphy that is the intersection of the titles contained in two mediagraphies, select the first mediagraphy, then specify the second mediagraphy as the keyword to search for using the format:


    where "###" is the batch number of the second mediagraphy (i.e. the number that appears in parenthesis after the mediagraphy name in the pull-down menu).

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