Booking Status Filter Help

The Booking Status Filter may be used to narrow the listing of bookings based on specific criteria.

Snapshot of display filter

Each of the pulldown menus is explained below.


To indicate whether to display bookings or to modify them, choose one of the following options from the Action menu:

  • Display
    Status filter will be "Current and Future" or "Past" depending on which Display option was selected from the initial page.
  • Cancel
    Status filter will be "In or Delayed".
  • Extend
    Status filter will be "Current and Future".
  • Rebook
    Status filter will be "Past".
  • E-mail Inquiry
    Status filter will be "Current and Future".

Status Filter: 

To select specific orders to view or modify, choose one of the following options from the Status Filter menu:

  • Normal
    This displays the usual statuses eligible for the selected action. For example, if action Cancel is selected, Normal statuses would be In or Delayed.
  • Current and Future
    Includes only bookings that have not yet been invoiced or returned and may also include Cancelled bookings based on a database parameter.
  • Out Now
    Includes only bookings that are currently on-site.
  • In
    Includes future bookings.
  • Late
    Includes overdue bookings that have not been returned yet.
  • Delayed
    Includes bookings that were delayed (e.g. item late on another order, client delinquent etc.).
  • In or Delayed
    Includes all future and delayed bookings.
  • Shipping Now
    Includes bookings that are being shipped or prepared for shipping. Typically bookings are prepared for shipping 0-2 days before their ship date.
  • Past
    Includes only bookings that have been invoiced or returned and may also include cancelled bookings if they are not included in the active category as per a database parameter. Typically only the last 12 months display, but this varies by site.
  • Cancelled
    Includes only bookings that have been cancelled. Cancelled bookings only appear until 30 days after their end date.
  • All
    All bookings that meet the criteria above display.

Bookings on-site for:     

To select bookings scheduled to be on-site on a particular date, choose the specific month, day and year from the menus.

Note: Medianet ensures only bookings that meet the eligibility requirements of the selected action are included on the results page. For example, if Cancel action is selected, bookings that are already on-site are excluded, even if the status filter Out Now is also selected.
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